Who are we?

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The Arts and Crafts aujourd'hui collaborative platform has been developed by the art and design schools of Bratislava (Slovakia), Brussels (Belgium), Montreal (Quebec), Porto (Portugal), Tetouan (Morocco) and Saint-Étienne (France) as part of a research programme funded by the European Union.

The idea for Arts and Crafts aujourd'hui came out of the observation of an intensification of relations between the craft world and contemporary creation (in both art and design) at a time when production modes are being called into question, especially in view of the environmental crisis we face. The name is a reference to the Arts and Crafts movement in Britain in the late 19th century, which, in a reaction to industrial society, advocated a merging of art and crafts from both an aesthetic and political perspective, proposing a sort of alternative modernity. In light of these critical approaches, our programme aims to address the different forms or implications of these relations today, to foster their development within art school teaching programmes and, through this collaborative platform, to put forward new perspectives, both in terms of production and reflection that will be of interest to anyone who is involved in or attracted to these links between arts and crafts.

The collaborative platform is thus designed for students and teachers at arts schools, craftspeople, artists and designers, as well as critics and exhibition curators - and more widely to anyone interested in these issues.

Anyone can submit an article which will then be read by a review panel made up of lecturer- researchers from each of the schools. An article could, for example, be about the work of an artist, designer or craftsperson, a place, a studio, a technique, gesture or it could be a more in-depth reflection on a relevant topic. The platform is designed to allow ideas to percolate through the categories it proposes ("Artists & Crafters", "Works", "Places", "Techniques", "Society"), which is achieved by a system of cross-referencing between the categories, several of which can be attached to the same page and a search engine that takes account of the diversity of the sources and links provided.

Editorial board :

  • Romain Mathieu (Managing editor - ESADSE)
  • Loïc Bonche (Editorial secretary - ESADSE)
  • Karim Ghaddab (ESADSE)
  • Alice Finichiu (ArBA)
  • Vincenzo Pezzella (ArBA)
  • Domingos Loureiro (U.Porto)
  • Teresa Almeida (U.Porto)
  • Nada Kancevova (VSVU)
  • Marcel Benčík (VSVU)
  • Christine Major (UQAM)
  • Mario Côté (UQAM)
  • Mehdi Zouak (INBA)
  • Ahmed Mjidou (INBA)

Contact :


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Graphic design and web design by Sylvain Reymondon and Corentin Brulé