« Translations:Expositions à Bratislava : VERRE ET BIJOUX/4/en » : différence entre les versions

(Page créée avec « Why Arts and Crafts today? Before the industrial era, craft was a natural part of production, but today the practice of "craft" takes on a different meaning. We believe that it is precisely because of the contrasting relationship craft versus industry that the legacy of the Arts and Crafts movement is still relevant and interesting. It leads us to reflect on our own (and collective) experiences with craft, tradition, technology, form and material. In time of disp... »)
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Why Arts and Crafts today? Before the industrial era, craft was a natural part of production, but today the practice of "craft" takes on a different meaning. We believe that it is precisely because of the contrasting relationship craft versus industry that the legacy of the Arts and Crafts movement is still relevant and interesting. It leads us to reflect on our own (and collective) experiences with craft, tradition, technology, form and material. In time of disposable objects, when people easily throw things away, and in time of instant digital images, there is a natural need for tangible and real things. These are the reasons why the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava decided to situate the international meeting of artists within the Arts and Crafts Today project in the centre of the glass industry in Slovakia, where the RONA glass factory is located.
Why Arts and Crafts today? Before the industrial era, craft was a natural part of production, but today the practice of "craft" takes on a different meaning. We believe that it is precisely because of the contrasting relationship craft versus industry that the legacy of the Arts and Crafts movement is still relevant and interesting. It leads us to reflect on our own (and collective) experiences with craft, tradition, technology, form and material. In time of disposable objects, when people easily throw things away, and in time of instant digital images, there is a natural need for tangible and real things. These are the reasons why the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava decided to situate the international meeting of artists within the Arts and Crafts Today project in the centre of the glass industry in Slovakia, where the RONA glass factory is located.
The current exhibition brings together works by artists from different countries and continents, which The current exhibition brings together works by artists from different countries and continents, which were created during workshops in Lednicke Rovne. Each of the presented works suggests a different were created during workshops in Lednicke Rovne. Each of the presented works suggests a different approach and a different direction. In some there is a approach and a different direction. In some there is a more noticeable link to tradition, in others more noticeable link to tradition, in others traditional technology is revived by experimental methods, others tend more towards projects teetering traditional technology is revived by experimental methods, others tend more towards projects teetering on the edge of applied art and conceptual art. If there is one thing that unites these seemingly on the edge of applied art and conceptual art. If there is one thing that unites these seemingly heterogeneoheterogeneous approaches, it is the emphasis on craft, technology and material starting points. We us approaches, it is the emphasis on craft, technology and material starting points. We believe that it is this anchoring in believe that it is this anchoring in craft, craft, material and specific technology that has been able to convey material and specific technology that has been able to convey new themes to the participating artists, suggest new possibilities and place their work in surprising new themes to the participating artists, suggest new possibilities and place their work in surprising new contexts.new contexts.

Dernière version du 27 janvier 2024 à 19:50

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Définition du message (Expositions à Bratislava : VERRE ET BIJOUX)
=== Description ===
"Pourquoi les ''Arts and Crafts aujourd’hui'' ? Avant l’ère industrielle, l’artisanat faisait naturellement partie de la production, mais aujourd’hui, la pratique de « l’artisanat » prend un sens différent. Nous pensons que c’est précisément en raison de la relation contrastée entre l’artisanat et l’industrie que l’héritage du mouvement Arts and Crafts est toujours pertinent et intéressant. Cela nous amène à réfléchir sur nos expériences propres (et collectives) en matière d’artisanat, de tradition, de technologie, de forme et de matériau. À l’heure des objets jetables, où les gens jettent facilement les choses, et à l’heure des images numériques instantanées, il existe un besoin naturel d’objets tangibles et réels. C'est pourquoi l'Académie des beaux-arts et du design de Bratislava a décidé de situer la rencontre internationale des artistes du projet ''Arts and Crafts aujoud'hui'' au centre de l'industrie du verre en Slovaquie, là où est située la verrerie RONA.

Why Arts and Crafts today? Before the industrial era, craft was a natural part of production, but today the practice of "craft" takes on a different meaning. We believe that it is precisely because of the contrasting relationship craft versus industry that the legacy of the Arts and Crafts movement is still relevant and interesting. It leads us to reflect on our own (and collective) experiences with craft, tradition, technology, form and material. In time of disposable objects, when people easily throw things away, and in time of instant digital images, there is a natural need for tangible and real things. These are the reasons why the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava decided to situate the international meeting of artists within the Arts and Crafts Today project in the centre of the glass industry in Slovakia, where the RONA glass factory is located.